Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Welcome to the Boston STEM Network Blog!

Please feel free to send us information you would like to see posted on here!



  1. As a 25 year career engineer, I am trying to do my part in providing information to help encourage students toward STEM careers by writing engaging stories.

    Engineering Stories are Realistic Fiction, short story dramatizations allowing the reader, through narration, description, dialogue, and thought to experience the challenges and satisfaction of being an engineer, inventor, or scientist.  Stories are very plausible, being a composition of author experience and the experiences of his peers. Herein, the reader is able to listen into the mind of an engineer, see how they think, observe how they might behave, understand what makes them tick. The objective is to encourage students to consider careers in science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM), show what it may be like, dispel a myth or two, and encourage creativity, problem solving, and the confidence to make the world a better place.

    Ken Hardman
